Friday, November 18, 2011

Wedding ??/結婚ですか??!!!

娘が結婚??!!! ということで式場を探すことに。こちらでは女性側が結婚式の費用を
出すとか。つまり私が出すのですか??? 娘はバルティモアーに住んでいてもやはり式は
ワイナリーでの結婚式とか言ってソノマ、ナパ、サンタローザを見たけれど、式場レンタルが高くてトイレは簡易トイレというワイナリーのガーデン、お化け屋敷のようなベッドアンドブレクファーストの屋敷、どれもぱっとせず、結局サラトガの箱根ガーデンが一番いいということで決まり。Santana RowでドレスのセールがあるというのでPRICILLA OF BOSTONがCLOSEになって半額セールだというので行ってみたら、結局買わされる羽目に。。。

My daughter's wedding???!!!  This is first experience for me. Bride side pay for wedding as custom of this country... Means I pay for all??? My daughter came back from Baltimore to start planning for her wedding with my cost, But she is "30 years old" Do I still have to pay for her wedding??  She was planning to have wedding at winery, and we went to Napa, Sonoma, Santa Rosa to see venues, but some of them are over price, and some do not have toilet and only option we have was portable toilet. Can you imagine bride with beautiful wedding dress going to portable toilet??  Other option we have was Victorian style house Bed and Breakfast Inn.  I feel as if I am a middle of horror move scene  " The Ring".  Finally she decided to reserve "Hakone Garden" in Saratoga(near San Jose).One of the beautiful Japanese garden in northern California. Pricilla of Boston had store closing sale 50% off, we just stopped by to see what they have in Santana Row,but this was trap, I paid for her dress......Well she was happy, but Mom's wallet was lonely.

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