Monday, August 13, 2012

4 Strong Reasons to Buy a Home Now 今、家の購入を進める4つの理由

デイリー不動産ニュース 8/13/2012 より


「ローンが組める人で 今、家を買わないという理由は見つけにくい。」とUSA Todayのコラムニスト・ジョン ワゴナー氏が書いています。
ワゴナー氏曰く 「ローンの承認を得るためのクレジット審査はCIAのバックグランド審査ほどでないにしても審査は甘くない言われているます。」 しかしローンが組める人にとっては、家を購入するまたとない時期であるという専門家が多いです。


3.在庫が少なくなってきている。ネッド・デービス研究所は来年の終わりには過剰在庫がなくなると予想している。USA TODAYの記事は「過剰在庫はなくなれば、新築の家が建て始められ失業率の低下、経済の回復など多く影響を及ぼす」と書いている。

4.ホームローンの金利が数週間に亘り記録的な低さを保ち、この金利の低さでさらに家が購入しやすくなっている。 例えば、30年の固定金利を利用するほとんどのバイヤーの平均3.95%になっているとフレディー・マックの報告もある。-7月26日の平均金利は3.49%の記録的な低さだった。  「これからの30年間のある時点で、ローンの金利がインフレーション率より低くなると考えられる。」 とUSA TODAYでワゴナー氏は書いている。

4 Strong Reasons to Buy a Home Now

“It’s hard to argue against buying a house now, assuming you can get a loan,” writes John Waggoner, a columnist with USA Today. Sure, Waggoner says that getting a credit check for approval of a mortgage can be a “only slightly less intrusive than a CIA background check,” but for those who are able to qualify, a lot of analysts say that now can be a good time to purchase a home.

1. The price is right. The median single-family home price hit its lowest in more than a decade when it reached $154,600 in January, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. That was the lowest since October 2001. During the height of the housing market in July 2006, the median home price for a single-family home was $230,900.

2. It’s cheaper to buy than rent. In nearly every major metro market, it is cheaper to buy a home than rent. Rents have been on the rise the last few years and are predicted to continue to rise. Meanwhile, home affordability is at record highs, which means that buying a home is more within reach to the median income family.

3. Inventories of for-sale homes are shrinking. Ned Davis Research estimates that excess inventories of homes to be eliminated by the end of next year. “When excess supply dries up, people start building more new houses, which has the virtuous effect of reducing the unemployment rate and increasing the economy generally,” according to the USA Today article.

4. Mortgage rates are at record lows. Mortgage rates have hovered near record lows for weeks, which has helped pushing housing affordability higher. For example, the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, which is the most popular among home buyers, is 3.59 percent, according to Freddie Mac—just above its record low set on July 26 of 3.49 percent average. “It’s conceivable that at some point in the next 30 years, your interest rate would be less than the rate of inflation,” writes Waggoner for USA Today.

Source: “If You Can Pull it Off, a House is a Smart Investment,” USA Today (Aug. 9, 2012)
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