Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Fitness training

Cycling class at 24 hours fitness in Concord is competitive. The class is always full even I get one hour earlier. 6am in the morning class is available, but I cannot get up such a early in the morning.
I am try to go at 9am Saturday class, I hope I can get in.  If weather is good I may try half-way Concord canal, it about 7 miles.  -Happy Cycling.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Spring Bike Riding.

 I started my bike riding again. I bought my bike last summer, and I start training myself, although I fell from my bike and hurt my knee, bike riding is fun for me. I guess my bike skill is better than last summer. 
  My dog Kina always wants to be a company. Bushi is OK to be my company, but he rather walk instead of run. He is not good at running.
  Many bikers come to my home area to enjoy cycling. I wonder where they going, then I decided to follow them, of course they are faster and cooler than me. They came from Yagnacio to City of Clayton, and go up to the hill.  I followed up to Clayton downtown area.  I discover many small trails, and things I did not notice for 20years.
My next challenge will be Concord Canal Trail 13.55 miles.  I started spinning training at 24 hours fitness for endurance.  Happy safe bike riding.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


 東北地方の地震と津波の被害から一ヶ月経ちましたが、経済的な関連被害が心配です。ニュースなどでは被災地のことが話題の中心ですが、不景気の中で何とか持ちこたえていた中小零細企業の倒産が予想されます。就職の氷河期といわれているこの時期、新卒の就職はますます困難になります。確かに被災地の人は助けたい、何とかしたいの気持ちはありますが、旅行客が来なくなって倒産した旅館、被災地から遠い九州方面まで影響がでています。 国内旅行をするのは控えている様子ですが、韓国は日本人旅行者だらけだそうでした。 自粛ムードと言っているものの、海外旅行は別物なのかしら?と思ったりします。 アメリカでも部品が不足しているので工場が一時閉鎖になったり、日本食レストランへの影響も出ているので、これも二次三次被害と言えるのではないかと思っています。震災の影響で企業が倒産して職を失う人が増えるので、これを何とか避けるために零細企業に資金を融資すると言うことも考えなければならないでしょう。   去年日本に帰ったときに、日本は将来危ないと感じたのですがこういう形で危なくなるとは思ってもみませんでした。民主党は相変わらず子供手当てに固執しているとか。子供手当ては収入にかかわらずもらえるので、子供のために使っている親もいますが、パチンコ代にしているという馬鹿親もいます。 それより、給食費にその手当てを充てるとか、高校を義務教育にするためにその資金を使うとか何とかもっと賢い使い方があると思うのですが。。。  東北の人たちが被害で不幸になっているから、被害のなかったところは派手なことをせず、節約しましょうと言うのは誰が考えたのでしょうか? 理解に苦しみます。 要するにもっと簡単に考えれば、隣のおじさんが亡くなってお葬式でも、自分のところが結婚で式を挙げるのだったら、やめないでしょう。それと同じように考えたら、普通にして行事はこなすべきだと思います。  国内旅行より、海外旅行のほうがキャンセル料早い時期からかかるので、やっぱり行くということなのでしょう。  にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア情報へ にほんブログ村

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Investment

 I went to a financial seminar hosted by Kyoko Kobayashi-Norcal Capital today.  The seminar contents about FHA loan, Morgan Stanley's loan products,  reverse mortgage, and Foreigner's loan.(not  by Morgan Stanley)

Good news for Foreign investors.
 Now foreign investors can get a loan.
 No more cash payment.
 40% down payment,
No fico check,
No income verification,
45days to close. 

If you are interested in about foreigner's loan, please contact me.




Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy hour-Doggy walk Highland Park in Concord

It has been nice weather, my son and daughter want to go out. I am living in boarder of Concord and Clayton, there are many parks not far from my house. Since I got a new car, I decided not give my son(Bushi) and daughter(kina) ride. I used to take them to Newhall Park where dog runs are, but not anymore.
It takes forever to clean their hairs. Anyway they enjoy Highland Park too. For about one hour dog walk gives me a good exercises.  -Happy time Bushi and Kina

ああ、幸せ Bushi

Bushi and Kina


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy House-Dinner for one

Tanita weight scale company's employee dining has good idea for diet menu. only 500 calories for lunch.
the nutritionist  studied for years and published her diet book. It is practical and you can enjoy meal.
Normally 5 kinds of dishes, such as a bowl of soup, a bowl of rice, 2 side vegetable dishes main dish(fish or meat about 400 grams with vegetable). you can be satisfied with your eyes, and become full. I just copied from the book, but it is not exactly the same.

Today, Beef and green onion stir fry, with fresh spring vegetable mix, a bowl of rice, and eggs and seaweed soup.

Happy Home/Happy Hour in San Francisco Bay Area: Happy time in San Francisco

Happy Home/Happy Hour in San Francisco Bay Area: Happy time in San Francisco: "Today, I have a little time to relax, and I went Soma area. Soma-South of Market has been changed, and still growing. This place is last pla..."

Happy time in San Francisco

Today, I have a little time to relax, and I went Soma area. Soma-South of Market has been changed, and still growing. This place is last place to develop in San Francisco. Many high tower condominiums, San Francisco Giants ball park by the bay, and trendy restaurants and bars are around the area.
The place used to be one of the dangerous area, but now it is clean and very attractive area. Easy access for public transportation, MUNI(San  Francisco Municipal street car and bus system), and Caltrain(Connection from San Francisco to San Jose).   The place is one of the sightseeing spot. Come to San Francisco, and enjoy bayarea style culture. You love it!!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy time -all about my Taiwan Trip

2 nights 3days busy Taiwan trip, but it was fun. Good foods, good people, and fun to shopping.

Taiwan Tea House

Hotel Breakfast

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Japanese Department Basement Called Depachika(デパ地下)

When I go back to Japan, I always go to underground in department store, called "Depa chika"
Depa=department, Chika=basement. All department stores have food section located on basement floor.
There are so many kind of foods to go, and fresh vegetables, fish, meats. All foods are displayed so neat and artistic.  It looks like beef, but this is pork meats. This pork on right look like scarf, but this is for Shabu-Shabu pork 336yen per 100gram. It is expensive but it is good!
The porks are sliced thinner than paper, and dip a slice of pork into hot pot, and quickly remove from hot pot and eat with special sauce. This is Shabu-Shabu.                                                                      
