Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy New Computer

FUJITSU 13" laptop $495.36 tax included at Fry's.
New computer is faster and cheaper. Fry's sales person try to sell 2 years warranth for $150.
I do not think so.  It is not worth to pay $150 warranty for $500.00 computer.
Computer life cycle is shorter and new, faster, better and cheaper one come out everyday.
Well I am happy with new computer for now.

やっと新しいコンピュータを購入。 なぜかFUJITSUが好きだ。
大型電気店フライでタックス込みの$495.36 日本円にしたら37,227円!! えらい安い
コンピュータに150ドル使うのは納得いかない。 毎日のようにより早く、安く性能のいいものが出回っているので2年後にはそれを買ったほうが安いと思う。

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア情報へ

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Dinner for One

After meeting with my clients in Los Altos, I stop by Ranch 99 in Mountain View.

Cleaning mussels and squits took time,  fresh squeezed lemon or lime over fresh shimps made shrimps meat tight and better taste.

Seafood Paella Hatsumi style???!!!  I forgot I am on diet.!!!




にほんブログ村 住まいブログ 海外不動産・海外住宅へ

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア情報へ

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Family, Happy Home

   Sometime words have power to make someone's decision in unintentional conversation.
It's happened twice or more in my life.
I did not mean to give them advice, but my words helped them to take their decision.
"Because you said to me that time,  and you save my marriage." my friend said to me after 20 years.
I said "what did I say ????!!!!" "Is this good for you or bad or you now?"

She said she was thinking about divorce her husband 20 years ago, and she sat down in the office
lunch room for break, then I came in and sat down in front of her. We had a little chat and I said to myself " I think kids need father, even he is stupid, mother cannot be a father...."  I think I was thinking about divorce too at the time.  Then she decided to not divorce her husband. I did not know that she was thinking divorce her husband. For me I am still thinking about it everyday, it's become my daily routine.

  My another friend asked me about selling her family house in Japan. She is considering about income tax in Japan and United State after sale of her house. But her more concern is losing her family home, if she sell it, she has no place to stay and relax. That make her sad and hesitate to sell the house.
She knows no one lives in the house as both parents passed away, and she cannot leave the house as vacant for long time. Her brother and sister have their own house in Japan. My parents passed away two years ago, and I do not have my family home anymore. 
 "My parents passed away, and I have no place to called my family home although I have my sister's place, but now it my turn to make own family home for my children. "

 Couple days later, she sent me a email " Hatsumi, Thank you very much, your word encouraged me. I made up my mind to sell my family home. I will make my family home here"

Happy Family, Happy Home.

 あなたのあの一言で決心したと、言われたら責任を感じますね。 でもその一言の殆どは自分に対してつぶやいたようなものばかり。 色々なことがあって、それで少し何かが見えてきて呟いてみたら、誰かが聞いていて、決心のきっかけとなったらしい。

 ある友人は私の一言で離婚しそこねたと今頃ぼやいています。 20数年前のこと今頃言われても責任とれへん!!  
「それって結果的に良かったの?悪かったの?」 と聞いてみたら、「ウウッ」と言葉に詰まっていたけれど、まあ仲良くやって頂戴。

この歳になると高齢の両親もそろそろ逝き時で葬式だの、相続の処分だのやることは色々あり、家族関係によりドラマがあるとか。 核家族のはしりの世代、両親がなくなると日本にいても身寄りが少なくなり、、ましてアメリカに行ってしまうと50にしてアメリカ孤児になったようなもの。

跡継ぎのいない実家は、親がなくなった後は処分するしかなく、実家がなくなるって淋しいもんだねと 別の友人がポツリと一言。
そう思ったの。」 とポツリ一言。

数日後その友人からメールで『あなたの一言で実家を売ることにしました。実家は自分で作るものですね』 と。そう言われてもあとで責任取れないからね。

にほんブログ村 住まいブログ 海外不動産・海外住宅へ