Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!

Just closed escrow, although there were dramas, but I think everybody is happy now.
For my Christmas is just staying at home without doing anything, watching NBA, drink wines !! This is a great time to be lazy. Merry Christmas.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Breakfast/ハッピーな朝ごはん


$19.99 waffle maker at Macy's sales, then I used extra 10%off coupon, final price was $17.99.
I never made waffle before but, it was good deal.
I bought waffle mix on the way to my home, and tried on Thanksgiving morning for breakfast.
Following the instruction on waffle mix, it was a little thick, then I reduced mix flour and add little more water.
Crispy and light taste by Hatsumi style waffle was done.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Life

I start thinking about life deeply.  Dr. Inamori  said  formula of successful business and life = own mind(way of thinking)X enthusiasm or passion X own talent.  It is true. I follow his taught to do my own business. 
At the same time thinking about happy life, my formula of Happy life = What you have done or been doing, and what you have not done for financially, physically,mentally . But I believe that it is not too late to recover ourselves, if we adopt truth and  ready to move forward. 
 That's the reason I started serious workout and diets.

Happy Holiday and Happy Life


ハッピーホリデー ハッピーライフ

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wallet and House/財布と家

Relation of wallet and house.
You have to check your wallet to buy house.
You will find out  pro and con after you purchase it.
Too big or too small, it depends on at the time of your situation or purpose.
Wallet can be return, refund or exchange, but not house.



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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy 2011 Company Party

Happy 2011,  Can you imagine we are a month ahead for new year.!!!
Our annual office holiday party was held at Uncle Ben's house. He is a owner broker of Century 21 Hartford Properties.  He and his wife's hospitality was great!!  Good music, food, lot of drink, and Gift exchange. I did knot know Uncle Ben plays electric guitar..(well he used to have his good young time...hahaha) He played  his guitar very good.
Happy Holiday!!

恒例のオフィスパーティがベンおじさんの家でありました。ベンおじさんことベン コールマンは我がオッフィスのオーナーブローカー。ベンと奥様のいつものおもてなしには感激!! 音楽とフィンガーフードのおつまみ、限りないドリンク、そして最後はホワイトエレフォントと呼ばれるギフトの交換で締めくくり、和やかなパーティーでした。

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Home/Happy Hour in San Francisco Bay Area: Happy Open House

Happy Home/Happy Hour in San Francisco Bay Area: Happy Open House: I had Open House today at 75 Deming San Francisco. Asking price at $899,950 2beds/2bath with great view and great location. Many people sh...

Wedding ??/結婚ですか??!!!

娘が結婚??!!! ということで式場を探すことに。こちらでは女性側が結婚式の費用を
出すとか。つまり私が出すのですか??? 娘はバルティモアーに住んでいてもやはり式は
ワイナリーでの結婚式とか言ってソノマ、ナパ、サンタローザを見たけれど、式場レンタルが高くてトイレは簡易トイレというワイナリーのガーデン、お化け屋敷のようなベッドアンドブレクファーストの屋敷、どれもぱっとせず、結局サラトガの箱根ガーデンが一番いいということで決まり。Santana RowでドレスのセールがあるというのでPRICILLA OF BOSTONがCLOSEになって半額セールだというので行ってみたら、結局買わされる羽目に。。。

My daughter's wedding???!!!  This is first experience for me. Bride side pay for wedding as custom of this country... Means I pay for all??? My daughter came back from Baltimore to start planning for her wedding with my cost, But she is "30 years old" Do I still have to pay for her wedding??  She was planning to have wedding at winery, and we went to Napa, Sonoma, Santa Rosa to see venues, but some of them are over price, and some do not have toilet and only option we have was portable toilet. Can you imagine bride with beautiful wedding dress going to portable toilet??  Other option we have was Victorian style house Bed and Breakfast Inn.  I feel as if I am a middle of horror move scene  " The Ring".  Finally she decided to reserve "Hakone Garden" in Saratoga(near San Jose).One of the beautiful Japanese garden in northern California. Pricilla of Boston had store closing sale 50% off, we just stopped by to see what they have in Santana Row,but this was trap, I paid for her dress......Well she was happy, but Mom's wallet was lonely.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Relax time

It was slow day, but nice and sunny outside.
Doggy walk 6539steps, 3.9km, 271kcal

Few emails and phone calls from business related.

Today, I should rest and relax. Then I went Gym -Circuit Breaker 1hour, and cycling for another 1hour.
Soaking body in Jacuzzi feel great!!

犬の散歩は続いています。今日は6539歩 3.9km 271kcal 
今日はゆっくりした日なので、休息日、リラックスして、夕方はジムでトレーニング、2時間はさすがにきつい。 久しぶりにジャグジに入って筋肉がほぐれました。


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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Open House

I had Open House today at 75 Deming San Francisco.
Asking price at $899,950 2beds/2bath with great view and great location. Many people showed up.
Kina was lonely, she need love love time.

お留守番のキナは寂しくてLOVE LOVEタイムをしてほしいとすり寄ってきました。

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy shopping

Macy's Veteran's Day Sale. My money smart friend asked me to shop with her.
She has several Macy's coupons and it was good deals. 50% off sales items + additional 20% off with coupons.  I bought shoes, clothes for winter, and two Jackets.
After that I made "Okara(soy pulp)" food. it is good for diet , lot of fibers.

Doggy walk 5005steps, 3km, 222kcal
60minutes body pump class


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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy workout

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7:30am walking with dogs, it was cold morning, 45degree. 3839steps, 2.3km,168kcal.
Meeting with my client in San Francisco, and stopped by my office.
5:30-7pm 24 hours fitness for my workout. I am tired now.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ready for winter/冬支度


 One hour power yoga, and 30minutes treadmill at 24 hours fitness. I guess it is good enough for me today. House cleaning and laundry took all day long.
Winter time started today. We can sleep one more hour, but it getting dark quickly. Kotatus(foot wamer)'s season.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy tea time- Pu-erh tea お茶しませんか?

My Pu-erh tea was run out, it was  good teas from Taiwan. When I went to Taiwan trip with my sister last year. I cannot go to Taiwan to buy teas. So I went to San Francisco Chinatown on Grant. There are several tea houses. I was not sure which one is good, but I went to one of the tea house.  There were so many kind of teas. I bought 12year old Pu-erh tea for $75.00/lb. I do not know if this called expensive or not. but it's last for one year to finish.

台湾で買ってきたプーアール茶が切れたので台湾まで買い物に行くかわりにチャイナタウンでお茶を買うことにしました。 良いお茶は専門店でないと買えないので、混んでいるグラント通りのお茶屋さんに直行。どこのお茶屋が良いのかわからないので取り合えず目に付いたところに入って、お茶のテースティング。 お気に入りのプーアール茶は12年もので400グラムで$75.高いような気もするが、これを飲みきるのに1年かかるとしたら安いと自分に納得させる。台湾に行くより安いのは事実。

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

ちょっと怖い話, Scary story

ご機嫌で入居したアパートのテナントさん。ある日突然、下の階のおじいちゃんから苦情を言われた。「あなたが引っ越してきてから、家具を動かす音と、人がどんどん歩く音がしてウルサイ」と。 でも一人暮らしで家具など夜中に動かさないし、どたばた歩かない。おじいちゃんの耳のせい?それとも???。。。。 あの辺りは大昔、墓地だったと聞いてはいるけれど。。。

 After Holloween scary story. A girl was happy to move in to the apartment unit. A month later, she was complained by her nieghbor living downstair. The old man said " Since you moved in the unit upstair, I hear that you often move your furnitures, and many people walking in your unit. I do not like it." She is living alone, and never move her furnitures after she moved in. Does this old man have hearing problem?  or.....  Once upon a time the areas used be cemetaries.....

Zumba day. No doggy walking, sorry my dogs.

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