It surprises me that some of Japanese women do not have credit history, even they stay legally in the USA for long time. They do not have their own name:s credit card or bank accounts. One of my clients she has been running grocery store with her husband, but she does not have income on tax record. She has joint account with her husband and credit card with her husband, but she does not have her own. As a result when time to buy a house, it only appeared her husband credit history. Another woman who has been housewife for all the time does not have credit history. House they own is her husband name, bank accounts are either husband only account or joint account. Of course she does not have income, although they have enough money to live. Often I suggest them to build up your credit, if you stay in this country, you never know what happening. You are existing person in real, but your are not existing person on financial record.
Build your credit and have happy life.
日本の女性でクレジットヒストリーのない方がいらっしゃるのには驚かされます。 主婦の方、お店を手伝っている奥様の中にはご自分名義のクレジットカード、銀行口座を持っていない方もあり